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VI. Summary statement

            In the preceding sections of my appeal I argue that the University and the Department of PSES failed to provide an effective climate in which Assistant Professors are cultivated to become tenured faculty. Mentoring was not (and in some ways could not) be provided in a timely or effective manner.The expected balance between research and service in my program was always ambiguous and was exacerbated by continued conflicts between grower expectations and academic freedom that were not adequately addressed by a changing departmental administration. As a result my current Department Head and some faculty were not adequately informed about the history and philosophy of my position, and my Department Head may have been subject to inappropriate outside influences without considering my point of view.I was denied a thorough and objective analysis of my program.These issues add up to a failure to uphold my academic freedom and a failure to adequately meet affirmative action goals for promotion of women in positions where they have not traditionally been employed.

             Like the multiple perspectives of optical illusions that require visual paradigm shifts, my case can be viewed differently leading to an alternative outcome. Suppose that my productivity is viewed as the result of a different but legitimate paradigm that should be defended against undue outside attack. Suppose that the balance that I have struck between “long-term” holistic research and service to the alfalfa seed industry, including publications in the Proceedings of the Northwest Alfalfa Seed School and on my web page, is viewed as appropriate given the mandate to interact with an industry that is not unified in its expectations or needs. Suppose that publications of relevant research conducted prior to this position are given credit in my evaluation. Suppose one acknowledges that there were legitimate reasons why several of my refereed publications were delayed, but that progress in the past 12 months (appendix 16) has been more indicative of future progress than my pre-1997 history. Additional projects currently in the pipeline demonstrate that this progress will be sustainable (appendix 16). Suppose one assumes that the Tenure and Promotion process is meant to cultivate the human resources that one already has rather than weeding out individuals who have been damaged by a chilly campus (and off-campus) climate. I should be given another opportunity to come up for tenure and promotion.

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